force of nature
force of nature
Use code: ShannonC40 at checkout for 40% off your starter bundle
If you’re like me, you want your home to be nice and clean but not have to worry if what you’re using is safe for your kiddos.
I want to tell you about a product I bought back in 2018, and my family has not been without it since. It’s called Force of Nature, and it’s made from salt, water, & vinegar. And yet, Force of Nature is an EPA-registered disinfectant that kills 99.9% of germs and replaces most of your other cleaning products. We actually call it “magic spray” at our house, because my boys say it works like magic.
Force of Nature helped me make it through potty training and toddler messes, and now because I know the ingredients, I don’t hesitate to ask my boys to pitch in (even if I have to repeat myself a few times). They grab the “magic spray” and use it where they need it.
I have teamed up with Force of Nature to offer you 40% off your startup bundle, which includes everything you need and transforms those simple ingredients into the spray we love. And a bonus? The kids get to watch a mini science experiment as it bubbles and changes before their eyes.
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