What does living a successful life mean to YOU?

*Helpful hint* It doesn’t have to be the definition you’ve always heard.

What do you think of when you hear “success”?

Is it money? A fancy house? The corporate ladder?

Over the years, I’ve learned that those things are success. For some people.

And maybe that’s your version. But maybe for you, success is coaching little league, advocating for your special needs child, or mastering meal planning. Maybe success means going back to school or starting your own business. Or maybe, it simply means being more present with the ones you love the most.

The thing about success is that there’s no one-size-fits-all version. You get to decide for yourself. And it can change based on the season of life you’re in.

Stop taking whatever life throws your way. Stop living the life everyone else says you should live. You only get one, remember?

Instead, intentionally decide what matters most to you and seek it.

What lights you up? What gives you joy? What’s your version of success?

I get it. You’re drowning and have zero time for you. But tiny changes, remember?

Even in the chaos of motherhood.


Is this map cheesy? Absolutely. But who knew there’s actually a town called Success in Missouri?

Often motherhood feels like an island where you struggle day after day. Feeling less than enough. Shame because your house isn’t clean. Regret for skipping that fun thing because of exhaustion. Regret because you attended even though you didn’t want to. Unsure of who you are anymore. Mom guilt for working. Mom guilt for not earning money.

But we hide these emotions behind our filtered photos, catchy captions, and quick texts. After all, the other moms look like they have it all together.

Here’s the truth. I can’t tell you how many times I have shared something vulnerable with another mom who said, “I thought I was the only one!” Let me be the first to tell you. You aren’t.

You can do it all.

Actually, you can’t. Listen, I know some days feel totally overwhelming, and you carry SO much. But you can’t. do. it. all.

What you can do is choose.

Rather than simply going through the motions and then ending each day wondering what the point of it was.

How would it feel knowing you were intentionally choosing to say yes to what serves your story and letting go of the rest?

The truth is, habits make up so much more of our lives than we realize. Our identity. Our actions. Even our problems. When you peel back the layers of issues, the root is often due to our habits.

I can talk nerdy science with you if you prefer, but to keep it simple, I’ll just tell you that examining what you do and why you do it is SO important.

I could just tell you what to do, but it wouldn’t take long and you’d be right back to where you are now. Instead, through coaching I’ll help you get to the root. I’ll ask questions and not only guide you in understanding the why, but I’ll offer science-based strategies to help you build positive new habits that better serve you.

The hardest thing to do is start. Now is the time. I’ll walk you through it. We can even eat pie.

Ready to make a change?

  • Life coaches and therapists both act as an ally for you, benefitting you in your life. But they are not the same.

    I am not a psychologist or a psychotherapist. They often deal with resolving issues or trauma from the past, and we will focus more on the present and future.

  • You’re the driver. I’m riding shotgun. We can go wherever you want, and I’ll bring the map and guide you along the way. We can talk through something specific or focus on your general goals. And if you’re unsure, you know I’m always down for talking about habits.

  • We all have coaches in our lives. One of the most influential? Our kiddos. But our families and friends, books we read, and accounts we follow all coach us regularly.

    The benefit of a life coach is that my focus is solely on you and your best interest. When we chat with family or friends, their interest plays a part in the conversation as well.

    You might benefit from coaching if you need accountability, enjoy setting goals, or just feel stuck.

“Follow your dreams! Be brave! Step out of your comfort zone!” … we say to our children. And we sit back and go through daily lives making sure everyone else is taken care of. But you, mama?

You matter, too. And those little eyes are watching you. They want to be just like you. How better to teach them than by taking action yourself?