claiming a seat at the table: from childhood adversity to CSO

Podcast cover image for an episode on claiming a seat at the table, featuring Demetria Horton’s journey from childhood adversity to becoming a successful business leader, with insights on resilience, personal growth, and overcoming challenges.

A troubled childhood didn't stop Demetria Horton from graduating with more degrees than anyone in her high school class and eventually building her own successful business. She isn’t afraid to get vulnerable and tell her story, and she shares of how those moments of adversity led her to become the person she is today. She has grown through her experiences as an individual, a business professional, a wife, and a mother and wants to spread the word that your circumstances don't define who you can become. Get ready to be inspired as you listen to Demetria share her story.


making better choices and finding beauty in every stage of life


you are here: self-awareness and taking inventory of your life