deciding to change and creating space with habits

Podcast cover image for an episode on deciding to change and creating space with habits, featuring insights on intentional decision-making, building positive routines, and fostering growth in motherhood.

When I looked around, I realized my life was not what I wanted it to be. I was constantly repeating this cycle of anger, frustration, overwhelm, shame, guilt, anxiety, and depression. I knew there had to be more to life than this, and I wanted to live in a way that was modeling success for my boys.

In this episode, I share my story and how small habits have helped me create change during my most chaotic season.


If you were wondering, our podcast is based out of North Alabama, and I love having the opportunity to conduct local interviews in person. Zoom is great, but being face to face allows for an interaction that is just not easy to duplicate over a screen. And although it isn’t a local podcast, I can’t help but want to start with guests close to home, as there are so many incredible and inspirational women around North Alabama with stories waiting to be shared.

This episode, however, I have some solo time on the microphone. I imagine you might want to hear a bit more about my story if you plan to tune in each week (and I hope you do!)

I go back to having two babies under 2 and feeling so alone and defeated. I didn’t see the challenges other moms were going through. I spent all my time at home, and my habits over the years had compounded into a space that was cluttered and overwhelming. One day I couldn’t take any more, and I had a good ugly cry in my kitchen floor. I decided to figure out how on earth to climb out of this hole, and the only way I could see doing it was a little each day.

Tune in and hear more of my story and how these tiny actions have absolutely changed my life.


redefining success after an unexpected diagnosis


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