sharing joy and compassion through mending
What a joy it was to sit and chat with this magician for well-loved (and sometimes very damaged) stuffed animals. Nicole Adams from the Stuffed Animal Clinic of Madison joins the podcast this week and talks about how her childhood lovey played such a huge role in her life, which led to a way she could serve her community and bring a little happiness to those around her.
When she was a girl, Nicole Adams and her mom lived with her grandmother, who passed on her love of crafts and sewing. When she was nine, her mother married, and Nicole’s stuffed animal became her safe place.
When she became a mom, Nicole shared her lovey with her daughters, and soon it needed quite a bit of work in order to still be usable. When her grandmother passed away, Nicole wanted a way to honor her memory, while also serving those around her.
She hesitantly asked in a mom group online if anyone else needed a service like this, mending children’s stuffed animals and bringing them back to life once again. The moms went crazy for her idea, solidifying the fact that this hobby of hers could become so much more than that. Nicole has done miraculous works on SO many loveys (check out the before and after photos on her Facebook page… they are amazing!)
In addition to sharing her business, Nicole talks about how frugal living helps their family save money, while also allowing her to repurpose items that others no longer wanted. She is all about bringing new life to things and making others happy in the process.