embracing motherhood and building a successful MLM business

Carla Taggart joins the podcast this week, where we discuss her transition from thinking she'd never have kids to loving life so much more after becoming a mother. We chat about her Rodan + Fields business and the stigma around direct sales and MLMs. Carla and her husband are reading through James Clear's Atomic Habits together, so we also discussed mindset shift and building positive habits. She also co-hosts a podcast called Bizzy Moms with her longtime friend, Kristin Pippin.


Carla Taggart never saw her life including motherhood. She was diagnosed at 19 with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which can make it very difficult to conceive. She loved to work, so she embraced that side of herself and pushed aside the thoughts of ever being a mother. Then one day, about a year into her marriage, her husband Kyle brought up the idea of having kids. Carla decided to leave it up to God, and you can image her shock when her first pregnancy test showed those two pink lines.

Because of her love of learning and desire to work her way up in the company, she never imagined she’d choose to stay home with her baby. But once her baby girl arrived, Carla’s plans changed, and she began adjusting to life as a stay-at-home mom. When a friend approached her with the prospect of starting a Multi-level Marketing business, the immediate answer was that she wasn’t interested. No thanks. Not for me. But as the weeks went by, Carla began to wonder if this was what she was supposed to be doing. And on Mother’s Day of 2016, she bought herself a skincare business with Rodan + Fields and has not looked back since.

Although MLMs have gained a bad reputation, she has nothing but good stuff to say about her years in the industry. It has created community for her and a full-time income, while also challenging her to shift her mindset toward what she is capable of. In addition to mindset, she is also working on her habits. Carla and her husband recently began reading Atomic Habits by James Clear together, and they are holding one another accountable to implement the positive changes in their lives.

This interview left me smiling and thankful for a new friend like Carla, and I’m pretty sure you’ll feel the same way when you listen.


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